Saturday, January 31, 2015

Tests and Tooth fairy mistakes

I know our days of believing in Santa and the tooth fairy are coming to an end.  I have to admit it makes me sad. :(. They almost really came to an end this past week.  Caden lost another tooth and Jimmy and I were watching TV and I told him not to let me forget the tooth fairy.  The next morning my alarm goes off and the first thing I think is I forgot!  I jumped up and dug in my purse for 5 one dollar bills.  I folded them together and snuck into Caden's room to make the switch.  Whew!  I made it.  I started our morning and was in the kitchen when Caden comes running out of his room.  He shouted, "Look what the tooth fairy gave me, I can't believe it!"  Much to my surprise he was holding 4 dollar bills and this.
Yes, that is the fifty dollar bill I got for Christmas I was keeping in my purse.  I was in total shock.  That will teach me to go searching  for money in the dark.  I can only imagine what the other parents will think when their kids tell them caden got 50 dollars from the tooth fairy.  Parenting fail!  

My mom said the tooth fairy knew what she was doing because that same day Caden's teacher approached me after school very excited about some test results of Caden's.  Apparently they took the CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test).  She told me to get with her to discuss what it means but she was thrilled with how well he did.  She said it explains so much about him.  Lol. He truly does have a thirst for knowledge.   His mind never stops.  I gather the test looks at not only their knowledge but how they learn so we can better understand how to teach them.  I think.  I don't think the test has any real merit as far as school goes, but I am always looking for ways to encourage a love for learning so I  looking forward to talking to his teacher.  

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Weekend fun

After a week of cold and rainy weather the sun finally decided to come out and we had a gorgeous weekend.  Saturday we celebrated D.J.'s 3rd birthday.  I can't believe he is 3!  
  Today after church the kids helped Jimmy in the yard and then we went to a new park.  Well, it really isn't new but it was the first time we have been there.  The kids made some new friends and had a blast.  Tomorrow we are off school and work and they were asking if we could go back.  I think we will!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Eat the Frog!

Like I said in an earlier post I did not make any New Years resolutions.  That said I really wanted to start the new year with some sort of plan to get some major things off my to-do lists.  I can across this on Pinterest the other day and it has become my unofficial motto for 2015.  Basically it means do the thing that you need to do the most or want to do the least first thing!
Amy and I really pushed each other this week to put this saying into motion.  I could show you several texts to each other that say things like ribbit ribbit!  Ha!  
End of year is a big deal for me as far as work goes.  Examiners and auditors do not like it if my general ledgers have old items in them.  So this week I have spent time each day eating lots of frogs that have to do with work.  I can't lie it was not easy.  There were a few things that I have been putting off and putting off.  It is easy to do working from home.  But, I can sleep so much better now that my list looks like this!

 Those frogs are hard to swallow but it really does help keep me focused and on track when I take care of them first.  🐸

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Report Card time

**WARNING** The following post will contain shameless mom bragging.  Lol. If I can't do it here, where can I?

Friday was report card day.  Paige made all E's and Caden made the honor roll again with straight A's.  Paige also is on a level 28 reading level. (They want them to be at a level 18 by the end of the school year.  She continues to love school and was even excited to go back after Christmas break. 

Caden's teacher stopped me after school the other day and asked me if he told me how well he did on his Math test.  Of course he had not lol.  He tested in the 99% in math and is at a fifth grade level.  I am so happy he is doing well and I am finding the more he is challenged the better he does.  He also loves school and his friends.  I didn't realize he had perfect attendance and he was pumped to get a coupon to Ci Ci's Pizza.  Lol. It is the little things that make him happy.  
One thing I am learning as a mom is to not get too down about the low times and to rejoice in the good times.  We talk often about doing our best whatever that may be.  It may change but for now I think it is sinking in!

New Years Resolutions Paigie Style

While I didn't make any New Years resolutions myself Paige's class made some at school.  She explained to me that a resolution is like a promise you make to yourself to make yourself better. They made a cute little door hanger to keep their resolutions in.  These were Paige's.
True to form my sweet girl is sticking to her guns.  She told me just today that she needed to read her books again because she only read them once.  She also asked me when she would be starting gymnastics because she needed to get her exercise in.  I am rethinking not making my own resolutions.  It is always good to set goals for ourselves even if we don't keep them.  

Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Years 2015

Last night we went to a friends house to ring in the new year.  The kids had a blast playing and we had a great time catching up with friends.  They let us join in on their family gathering.  It is wonderful to have friends you have known most of your life that feel more like family then friends.  We even got to be apart of the gender reveal for our friends new baby.  It was a wonderful way to start 2015. Happy New Year!