Monday, February 27, 2012

Shower time

We finally had Amy's baby shower this weekend. We had to cancel the first one when she went on bed rest. So Saturday Tami and I gave her a sip-n-see. It was so much fun. Cute as a button was the theme. We kept things pretty simple. It was just a great time for family and friends to get to come see D.J. for the first time. I snapped a few pictures with my phone but most of them were blurry. I did get a few of the decor and food. Lol. I saved my calories, so I did have a little punch and one cupcake. My trainer will be proud. Amy got lots of gift cards and some really cute clothes and gifts. I think everyone had a good time. I know I did!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Lunch time

When I am feeling overwhelmed with work and wonder why I ever decided to work from home I only have to do one thing. I go eat lunch with Caden at school. His happy face quickly reminds me how blessed I am to have a job the allows me such freedom. Thank you Lord for my job and my family!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

As Seen on T.V.

I admit I watch QVC and I secretly love infomercials. It drives Jimmy crazy. Lol. Now it seems my kids are following my lead. Lately we have seen a commercial for Slushy Magic and they go crazy when they see it. Well, I was at Walgreens yesterday and there it was. Of course I bought it.

This morning I tried it with some left over gatorade and it worked! They will be so happy to try it and I am sure it will be very useful during our hot summers.

Can't wait to try it out with other drinks! I wonder if I can make a diet coke slushy? Lol

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Books and Baseball

This weekend I read the first book in The Hunger Games trilogy. I am hooked! I must admit It has been a really long time since I have read an actual book. I forgot how much I enjoyed reading. I can't wait to read the other two!

Today was a beautiful day so Jimmy practiced baseball a little outside with Caden and Paige wanted in on the action too. She looked pretty cute in her brothers helmet and actually did pretty well.

I thought to myself maybe we should have signed her up for t-ball this season too. They do make pink helmets that are very cute. ;)

Friday, February 17, 2012

Why I need a trainer.

I can honestly say I remember feeling fat most of my life. Which I find silly now when I look back at pictures of myself. I was thin! I wish I could tell that girl back then to not be so hard on herself. To say my food issues run deep is putting it lightly and add some big time insecurities on top of that.

I gained the normal amount of weight with both my kids (about 25-30 lbs) and it came off fairly quickly on it's own. But then came 2008. After a miscarriage, a robbery, a new job, two small children and just stress in general my weight began to creep up. Looking back now I know I was consoling myself with food. But I could not get a hold of it and so I got bigger and bigger.

Jimmy is wonderful and never would say anything about my weight. And everyone else around me seemed to be carrying around a few extra pounds so I let it go. But it was time to change. I was tired all the time and with my family history of heart disease I knew I had to change now.

To date I have lost 35 lbs with the help of my trainer. A number that makes me shutter considering I still need to lose a lot but I remind myself that is my insecurities talking again. Several people have asked my why I don't just do it on my own and I wish I could! I did not want to do a fad diet. I spent most of my 20's doing those. And I missed exercise but could never seem to get in a good habit. I needed someone to be accountable to. While most of my family and friends are supportive they are also the first ones to ask me to go out to eat. Lol. And, I am being honest when I say I would never let Jimmy see my weight and it would eventually hurt my feelings if he hounded me about what I ate or exercise.

So I got a trainer. While he is very nice and respectful he is also honest. I know if I cheat on the weekend I will have to answer to him on Monday. And it doesn't hurt my feelings when he gets on to me for having that cake or Mexican food. He pushes me way harder than I could push myself.

He has me on a low calorie plan and lots of water and exercise. A few months ago I hated going to the gym. But I made it part of my routine and now I love it. It is my stress reliever.

To say it has been easy would be a lie. I still have a ways to go but I WILL get there!


Today was a great day for Caden! He has been having several blue days at school but today he was on green. I know one day I will look back and laugh at how worked up we got over a color system at school. Behavior is very important to us and he has really been struggling lately. He really is a good kid. But he loves to be silly and it gets him in trouble a lot. I find it funny when Jimmy gets so frustrated with him. I quickly remind him he was voted class clown so I think Caden comes by it honestly. Lol. He also got to go to the principles office because he did a good job writing. Something we have also been working on. Who knows what color tomorrow will bring but for now we are celebrating green!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Me and my shadow.

Paige is turning into little Miss Susie Homemaker. I make both of my kids do chores, but Paige really enjoys doing anything I do. If she finds me doing housework or cooking she will beg to help me.

So far I have taught her how to fold small towels, hang up clothes and even clean the toilet! I will find her cleaning her room sometimes all by herself. No, it is not perfect and sometimes it takes me twice as long to do something with her help. But, I am learning to let go a little and I know one day it will pay off. I am sure there might be a day when I have to beg her to clean her room but for now I love to see her get a sense of accomplishment doing her little jobs. She is my big helper!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Heart Day!

I was really feeling the love this year when it came to Valentine's Day. I found a few cheap decorations so I thought I would surprise the kids with a fancy breakfast. I also set up their little gifts on the table to surprise them when they woke up. I was not sure if they would really care, but they were both very excited when they saw everything set up. I made heart shaped cinnamon rolls with sprinkles and bacon (Caden's favorite). We even had a special dinner. A heart shaped pizza from Papa John's. They loved it!

Jimmy was working nights but he did surprise me with roses and a very sweet card. My dad even brought me flowers. I might be 34 but I am still his little girl. :)

After two school parties and gifts from all the grandparents my two Valentine's are on a major sugar rush.

We have enough candy to last us a long time. Not a good thing for my diet!

Friday, February 10, 2012

How could I skip this?

I know I said I was moving forward with my blog but how could I not post about the birth of my new nephew D.J.

After a pregnancy with lots of ups and downs I finally got the call January 17th at about 7:30 that I had been waiting for. Amy was in labor! I quickly called into work, canceled my session with my trainer and went to pick her up. Erin was on his way home from work and we arranged for Paige and Sam to stay with Patricia while we went to the hospital. Amy decided she wanted to ride with me to drop off the kids at Patricia's. A few tears later I took her back to her house so Erin could drive her to the hospital. I went home, got dressed and Jimmy and I headed up there too.

What a special day it was. I had been looking forward to it for such a long time because this time I was aloud to be in the delivery room with her. After much kissing up to Erin and begging and telling them what a help I would be they decided to let me in. Lol.

All I can say is it was amazing. Amy was such a trooper and so calm and beautiful. I loved seeing Erin take such good care of her when she needed him. And to be one of the first people to see D.J. when he was born is something I will always carry with me. I told one of my friends next to my own children's birth it was one of the best experiences of my life. I wish I would have let Amy be in the room when my two were born. I thought it would be awkward and embarrassing but it was just amazing.

I could go on and on about that day. I am so proud of my sister. She is my best friend and now a wonderful mom to two precious boys.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

My little super star!

Paige brought home a super star note from her teacher yesterday for helping clean up the classroom. She loves to help me at home as well so I was glad to hear it is carrying over to other places. She was very proud of herself and so was I. She has also learned to write her name. My little girl is getting so big. The older she gets the more my little super star shines!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What is that smell?

We had a very busy weekend. Two birthday parties, hair cuts, grocery shopping, and so on. But what will I remember the most? Skunk!!!

We were in an out all morning running errands Saturday. In between errands I was doing laundry in the garage. Squeaky kept going over to the lawn mower and sniffing but I did not think much of it. After several trips in and out he finally ran over and started barking. I got nervous and left the garage. Moments later a terrible smell started to fill the house. There had been a skunk in our garage all morning!

Jimmy was working nights and the smell woke him up it was that bad. He opened the garage door hoping the skunk would leave but it would not. It just kept spraying and spraying. Finally our friend Ted and Jimmy used the leaf blower and it ran out. Too little too late though. My garage still smells. I have tried several tricks but nothing is working. I guess it will take time. I am just thankful that the dog and I did not get sprayed.

So gross! I have been so paranoid about the smell I have been wearing lots of perfume. So of you smell skunk it could be the Thompson clan!

Trying something new

I am going to try blogging from my phone. Let's see if I can keep it up this way. I know I said I would go back and catch up, but who knows if that will ever happen. So, let's just move forward!

Today I found a note on my work desk from Caden. I put a note in his lunch box everyday so I have a feeling that is where he got the idea from. He is doing so well in school. Struggling a little with behavior but I can not believe how well he reads. He has to be on a level six at the end of the year and half way thru he is already there. Maybe we need to work on spelling a little. Lol�. He is just the sweetest boy. I have to put in something funny before I forget. At church he was writing notes to everyone. To everyone else he would write I like you. But for his mommy, you guessed it. I love you. I am one lucky girl.