Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Trying something new

I am going to try blogging from my phone. Let's see if I can keep it up this way. I know I said I would go back and catch up, but who knows if that will ever happen. So, let's just move forward!

Today I found a note on my work desk from Caden. I put a note in his lunch box everyday so I have a feeling that is where he got the idea from. He is doing so well in school. Struggling a little with behavior but I can not believe how well he reads. He has to be on a level six at the end of the year and half way thru he is already there. Maybe we need to work on spelling a little. Lol�. He is just the sweetest boy. I have to put in something funny before I forget. At church he was writing notes to everyone. To everyone else he would write I like you. But for his mommy, you guessed it. I love you. I am one lucky girl.

1 comment:

  1. So sweet!! And GREAT to hear about his reading, that is awesome!! So glad to see a post from you!! :)
