We had a very busy weekend. Two birthday parties, hair cuts, grocery shopping, and so on. But what will I remember the most? Skunk!!!
We were in an out all morning running errands Saturday. In between errands I was doing laundry in the garage. Squeaky kept going over to the lawn mower and sniffing but I did not think much of it. After several trips in and out he finally ran over and started barking. I got nervous and left the garage. Moments later a terrible smell started to fill the house. There had been a skunk in our garage all morning!
Jimmy was working nights and the smell woke him up it was that bad. He opened the garage door hoping the skunk would leave but it would not. It just kept spraying and spraying. Finally our friend Ted and Jimmy used the leaf blower and it ran out. Too little too late though. My garage still smells. I have tried several tricks but nothing is working. I guess it will take time. I am just thankful that the dog and I did not get sprayed.
So gross! I have been so paranoid about the smell I have been wearing lots of perfume. So of you smell skunk it could be the Thompson clan!
I cannot believe a skunk got in there!! I don't ever thing I've seen one in this town!! Glad it's out and hope the smell follows soon!