Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Blogging Blues

I realized today I have not blogged since April.  And that was to blog about our spring break vacation in March!  I have to admit I have had the blogging blues.  I have had plenty to write about but every time I tried to start a post my heart just wasn't in it.  Looking back over the past nine months or so I could pick from numerous reasons why.  It has been a challenging and emotionally draining time.  My faith in just about everything I hold close to me has been tested. Have you ever seen War Room?  There is a scene where the main character tells satan to leave her house.  I can tell you that I have had to tell satan to back off more than once the last few months.  Lol. Have  all the problems gone away?  No.  Are there more hard times ahead?  Yes.  But my God is faithful and I have seen him work in so many ways.  Mainly on my heart.  

I said all that to say I am not done blogging.  I am going to give myself the summer off.  Mainly because after this Friday I will actually have the summer off! I recently took a job at the junior high next to our house.  I will be their new bookkeeper and office clerk.  I am super excited.  I have loved working from home but at times I have felt chained to the house and lonely when the kids are in school.  This will put me back in a world with adult interaction and best of all when the kids are out of school I will be off of work.  I could work thru the summer but Jimmy and I decided I could use some time off to refocus.  I am a little nervous about the change but I am so thankful for the opportunity.  I  will be back to blogging in the fall with lots to write about!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, this is super exciting Heather! I am happy for you and know that you will love it! And yes I hear you on the blogging. Glad to hear you are giving yourself grace about it. Enjoy your summer! Love you sweet sister!
