Saturday, August 27, 2016

Back to school! (For all of us)

Well, we made it thru our first week of school.  We had a little bit of a rough start but it ended up ok.  The kids went to Jimmy's dad's house the week before and they both had a severe allergic reaction to something.  Paige had an ear infection and Caden had a terrible rash head to toe.  They were both on steroids and Benadryl for a week.  We will be taking Caden to get allergy tested very soon.  His reaction was very bad and we need to figure out what it was.  Between that and just getting back into a routine they had a bumpy start.  Thankfully by the end of the week everyone was happy and seem to be settling into the new school year.  It is nice to have friends at their school who will send me pictures of them during their day.😀
Caden really was happy he is just too cool for pictures.  Ha!
I have been at my new job for a few weeks now.  Oh my it has been overwhelming.  Lol. My training has not gone according to plan due to several issues so I have been flying solo.  I don't think I have slept very much and my sister and mom have been my saving grace the last coupe of weeks.  I might have lost it a couple of times.  😜. Thankfully I really like the people I am working with.  I am confident that once I learn the job I am going to love it.  It feels good to be around people again.

Obviously I am back to blogging and I  am sure I will have so much to blog about very soon!

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