Monday, August 29, 2016

Happy Birthday Caden!

I feel like I just did this same post yesterday, but  here we are again and Caden is 11!  He is growing up so fast.  I can definitely see him entering the preteen years.  He continues to be the sweetest young man with a heart of gold.  We started the morning by letting him open his gift from us.  He has found a love of skeet shooting with his dad so we got him his first shotgun.  He was so happy.  I asked him if he had tears in his eyes.  He said if he did they were tears of joy.  Lol
After church we met family at Caden's new favorite place.  Bubbas 33.  While the food was great we were there for three hours.  They gave our tables away and after that it was downhill.  Even though it was crazy Caden loved every minute of it and had a great time.  It was nice to get everyone together.  In a few weeks I told Caden he could ask a couple of boys spend the night as part of his birthday celebration.  We are so proud of our boy.  We love you Caden!

1 comment:

  1. Super fun! Happy birthday, sweet Caden! I'm sure he was elated to get a shotgun!
