Friday, September 30, 2011

Sicky Icky's

Well, Tuesday night I heard Paige cry out about 12:30. I jumped out of bed just in time to get her to the bathroom before she threw up. Yuck! Then last night I wake up to Paige saying "Mamma Caden is throwing up". This time I was not so lucky. Cleaning up projectile vomit at one in the morning is so glamorous! LOL I did not need my sleep anyways. Sometimes at the end of the day I think how did I make it thru the day! With the good Lord's help is all I can say. Hopefully we will have a better weekend. Chores to take care of, grocery shopping and soccer! The weekends are supposed to be relaxing....right?

Oh, and the title...
Whenever my kids are sick I call them my little sicky ickys. Hopefully I can call them by their real names soon!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Let's try this again.

I knew when I tried blogging once before it would be difficult for me to keep up with. I did not think it would be two years before I attempted it again. I am not much of a writer and I really do not plan on sharing this blog with many people. That being said I am totally addicted to ready other blogs. I love reading the day to day things that other people do. I think I am ready to give it another try. While reading another blog I saw where a girl turned her blog for the year into a scrapbook. I though to myself I totally need to do this. Time is going by so quickly with my kids. I do not scrapbook and I will admit that while their baby books are stuffed full of papers and notes there is not much written in them. Sad I know. So I will give this another try. Here we go again! lol