Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Fitness and faith

We are less then a week away from Thanksgiving break and the kids are flying high.  Lol. They will start off with some time at Nanna and Pawpaws and then Jimmy will join them to take them hunting before coming home. Caden can't wait.  Paige is excited about spending time with Nana, but not so sure about hunting.  I will spend my time alone doing some long over due deep cleaning, working and maybe a little Christmas decorating.  

This week Caden started a fitness camp our cousins Zach and Danielle are doing. His first night was last night.  He said they did sit-ups, push-ups, sprints and all kinds of stuff.  Sort of like a bootcamp for kids.  He came home tired, but seemed to enjoy it.  After this is over I am hoping to start my own fitess routine with the kids.  I think we might take up jogging together.  I am not that fast anyways (lol) and I think it will be a good way to spend some time together.  

Caden has been begging to have a friend from school over, but I have never met his parents and do not know them.  Just by a few things Caden has mentioned to me I am not sure I would be comfortable letting Caden go to his house even without meeting her.  Well, yesterday the boys set up a "meeting" for us moms.  Lol. She seemed nice and we had a little chance to talk.  She said she told her son the same thing that we would have to get to know each other a little better.  I was quickly reminded about what our Pastor said one Sunday about getting out of our comfort zones to reach others.  Hopefully this will be an opportunity for us to invite them to church and make new friends.  

Soon after we get in the car and Caden tells me he gave my phone number to another boy in his class.  I was quick to scold him telling him not to be giving my number out to everyone.  Then he got me.  "But he has never been to church and I was telling him about our church and told him to give his mom your number so you could tell them where to go." he said.  Talk about dagger to the heart.  Makes me tear up just thinking about my son sharing his faith at school.  

Lord help me be as bold as my child and as free in sharing your love as he is.  

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Field day fun

Last Friday was the kids field day at school.  I was able to watch their races as then volunteer to help afterwards.  Their tug-a-war and races were at the same time but luckily for me they were right next to each other so I was able to go back and forth to watch.  

Caden was super pumped for a school day with no work.  Lol. They had a blast with jumpers, snacks, hayrides, crafts and temporary tattoos.  I had fun watching and helping out.  It was a great day.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

First sleepover

This year we opted out of having "friend" parties for the kids.  I struggled with the decision at first but now that their birthdays have past I think it worked out. I did promise them each a special day to do something they really wanted.  Paige wanted to have her first sleepover.  I had told her that when she was six she could start having sleepovers and she has been waiting and waiting for that day to finally get here.  

I wanted to start out small so I told her she could have one friend spend the night.  She asked her BFF Cailyn.  Friday after school I took the girls to paint pottery and to eat at Casa Ole.  They had fun painting and playing at the house.  All in all it was a successful first sleepover for Paige and I had fun too!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Halloween

Halloween has come and gone again.  This year our festival at the church was canceled due to weather so we decided to just trick or treat instead of trying to fight the crowds at other local festivals.  We went with our cousins and some friends of theirs in a really nice neighborhood.  The kids actually had tons of fun.  Caden liked being with the bigger boys and kept running ahead with them. I was a nervous wreck, but I was trying not to be a helicopter mom the whole night.  Lol. Luckily Jimmy was off and between the both of us we were able to keep a good eye on them.  Of course Paige wanted to stay right by my side.  There were not many girls and some of the houses scared her.  But by the end of the night she was having a blast too.  We ended the night by going to some houses of people we know and It was a lot of fun.  Sometimes it is good to change things up a bit and it really ended up being a good time.  Now I just have to get rid of the candy!