Saturday, September 29, 2012

Sam turns 3!

Today was Sam's 3rd birthday. I can't believe he is three. His party was at a place called the Little Gym. The kids all ran around and had a great time. His cake was so cute. Monster trucks! That boy LOVES cars. Lol. I think every time he leaves my house he leaves with a car. He just makes me smile. I hope he had a wonderful birthday. We love our Sammy!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Life lately

What does our life look like lately? Soccer and dance on Monday, dance on Tuesday, church Wednesday. Soccer games and birthday parties on the weekends and more church. And everything else in between. The days are starting to blur together. This will be a longer post but I am trying to play catch up!

The fish drama continues. Caden's fish died again!!!!! So my dad bought him some monster looking fish that I hated. The thing was evil! But it did not last long. It died too. Not sure what is going on but my dad said maybe we needed to start over. So being a good grandpa he got Caden a whole new tank and rocks. This time Caden opted to get two little hermit crabs. We will see if we can keep those alive. At least I am not afraid of them like the devil fish. Lol.
Paige is still loving dance and school. Tumbling is her favorite so far. Tap is a close second.

Caden went to a skating party this weekend. I was surprised how well he did skating. He ended up being the only boy that showed up to the party, not that he minded. Several times at the party little girls would come up to me and say "where's Caden?". At one point I looked up and saw him holding a little girls hand! It caught me totally off guard especially when her mom asked me if I saw them. I took Caden to the side and told him not to hold her hand. Lol. I questioned him about it later. I know it was totally innocent, but her dad did not look too happy. Lol. He seemed shy about it at first but then told me he was just helping her skate. I decided not to push it further. He is her friend and right now that is all he sees it as. He did not seem to see the problem or understand why her daddy did not like that. Lol.

Oh my. I am so not ready for all that. He will be a ladies man for sure. Of course jimmy laughed it off. But I reminded him how he would have felt if it was Paige and not Caden. Ha!

I am sure I am missing a lot, but that sums up the major happenings lately. This weekend is Sam's 3rd birthday! We are super excited about his party.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

What do I want to remember?

Today I was thinking about why I started this blog. I want to one day look back and remember the little things. I am not a big picture taker or scrapbooker. To be totally honest there is not even very much written in my kids baby books. That is the real reason I started this blog. To help me remember. But what do I really want to remember? Today I could post about how I have been sick the past two days, or about parent orientation at school. (both of which I thought about writing about) Sometimes I think I am pretty random with what I post about. Sometimes I mean to blog about things, but I forget or don't have the time. I am hoping that the stuff I take the time to write about are really the things I will look back on one day and be glad I made the effort to document.

So what do I want to remember today? Today after school I took Caden to get a hair cut. I want to remember how big he looked sitting there all by himself. One day I will look back and think how little he was right? Then we went to Baskin Robbins for an after school treat and one on one time. I want to remember how happy he was just spending time with me. We talked about his day and he told me several jokes. I also want to remember how he told on himself when he told me he was moved in class for talking to his good friend. Lol. He is honest if anything! Then when we were done he picked up his trash and mine and with a wink said, "I got this mom". After we left he gave me a big hug and said he loved our date. These are the things I really want to remember!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Tumbling class

Last night was Paige's first day of tumbling class. True to form she was nervous. She did get very excited when she put on her new gymnastics outfit. When she walked into class she saw one of her friends from school. Thank goodness she knew someone. She had a blast. When we got home she was very excited to show daddy and Caden her back bend and forward roll. She was asking me this morning if she got to go again tonight. I guess you could say she liked it!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Weekend fun

Tomorrow is Labor Day, which means no school and no work! We have already had a great weekend. Saturday Paige was invited to a birthday party so Caden and jimmy went dove hunting with some friends of ours. They did not have much luck shooting any dove, but they had a great time and came home exhausted. I got to see video of Caden riding our friends four wheeler by himself. I try not to be over protective, but it did make me nervous. I just remind myself that is what boys do and it is good for him...right?

Anyways, while they were gone Paige and I went to her friend Ally's 3rd birthday party. It was a princess theme and totally adorable. All the girls dressed up in their princess dresses and there was even a real princess there. Paige had a great time and I will be honest when I say it made me wish I was a kid again. Jessica did a great job with all the details and everything was so cute!

Today after church Paige went to her first play date. Her best friend at church Cailyn asked if she could come over and play. They had so much fun together. These girls are going to be double trouble some day. Lol.

I am not sure what we are going to do tomorrow. Hopefully just relax and get ready for the week!