Monday, October 28, 2013

Sick day?

This school year has been a bit of a roller coaster for Caden and very confusing for me as a mother.  There have been so many highs this year.  Behavior wise and academically he is having his best year yet.  When I look at his work I can't believe it is his handwriting compared to last year.  He loves math and science and is doing great.  When Jimmy had his day being a Watch D.O.G. Caden's teacher even told him she thought Caden should be in gifted and talented.  I can see him maturing and working harder then ever.  

And then come the lows.  On several occasions this year Caden has cried telling me he is stressed out.  Just last night I went to hug him and he just started crying.  Not really able to tell me exactly why and just not wanting  to go to school.  He did wake up with a sore throat and I ended up taking him to the doctor.  He suffers from allergies and they were just acting up.  I think this played a part in his breakdown last night.  I ended up keeping him home even though he could have gone to school.  I just let him spend the day relaxing and doing whatever he wanted.  Not my best mom move probably, but he laid around and watched movies and played video games.  I can honestly say he was much better tonight and actually wanting to go to school tomorrow.  
I am trying to help him the best way I know how.  I know he is doing a lot and the work is intense at school, but he is very capable.  I am just trying to make sure I help him find balance.  My mom reminded me of my third grade year.  I was very stressed out that year and my teacher even approached my parents to see if everything was ok with me.  I am hoping this is just a transition time for Caden.  I love him so much and I know God has great plans for him. 
We spent some time tonight praying to the one who is in control.  Just asking God to help calm his stress and be with him.  
Tomorrow is a new day and I am hoping he will be much better.  

Birthday lunch

Sunday after church we had family over for lunch and to celebrate Paige's birthday.  We always go to Casa Ole and Paige loves it so I just gave myself a break and ordered lunch from there.  I wanted to keep it simple, but make it special for Piage.  She loves butterflies and wanted a butterfly party.  I found some simple ideas on Pinterest and she helped me make some butterfly favors for her cousins.  They turned out really cute and we had fun making them together.  We had a good time celebrating Paige's birthday.  She is our only little girl after all.  We love you Paige!

Happy Birthday Paige

Satuday my baby girl turned 6.  Time is flying by and I can't make it stop.  I asked her how it felt to be six and she said it felt the same as being five.  Lol. That made me feel better.  She is my shadow and never far from my side.  She is still very shy but I can see her starting to break out of her shell at times.  Blankie is still around although I find him on the floor more and more often.  So far she loves kindergarten and is making new friends.  She is one special little girl.

We had plans for family to come over after church on Sunday so Saturday we decided to go to Dewberry Farms for some birthday fun.  Jimmy was working so Amy and the boys went with us.  The weather was beautiful and we had a great time.
After a fun filled afternoon we headed home for Caden's baseball game.  Three hours later we made it just in time!  We ran into just a little traffic.  Lol. For a second I considered skipping the game, but it was his last one of the season so we pushed thru.  Good thing we did because he had a great game even hitting a home run!  He was super excited and we were very proud of him.  Can't wait for spring ball.  
It was a long, but great day.  Paige said she had a great birthday.  I have to add one thing.  Caden picked out his own present to give Paige this year.  If you notice she is wearing a hat in all the pictures.  She loved his gift and wore it all day even when it got hot.  I thought it was so sweet.  

Friday, October 25, 2013

Watch D.O.G.S.

This past Wednesday Jimmy had the opportunity to be a part of the new Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of great students) program they started at the kids school.  Last week he attended a pizza night with the kids that explained what they would be doing.  Here is an example of what his day would look like.

Caden and Paige were super excited to have their daddy be a watch dog.  They talked about all week.  Caden was super pumped that they would get to be apart of morning announcments.  I got to stay and watch them in the office after I dropped the kids off.  It was so sweet.  
I think that some of the dads were a little nervous about what they would be doing.  It is definitely asking most of them to step out of their comfort zone.  You do not see many, if any dads volunteering for anything in the schools.  Of course this is the idea behind the program.  Get the dads more involved.  I knew it would be great for my own children to have their father be more involved but I did not except the reaction of all the other kids.  I brought Jimmy and the kids lunch and the entire time kids were coming up to him giving him hugs or high fives.  Several students were calling out Watch dog come over here!  Jimmy said this went on all day. You could really tell the kids crave a fatherly roll model.  Jimmy got to see the kids in action at school and got a little inside scoop from the teachers.  lol.  Caden and Paige were so proud to have their daddy in their school.  

Overall it was a great experience for Jimmy and the kids.  They already want to know when he will be at school again and he said he will defiantly be signing up for more days.  

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

15 Years and counting

Today Jimmy and I celebrated 15 years of marriage.  We are planning a weekend getaway in a few weeks so today we kept it low key.  Mostly we just spent time together.  Lunch at China Ko.  Lol. That's how we roll buffet all the way!  He sat with me while I worked and we just talked.  It might not seem like much, but with busy lives it is the small things that keep us connected.  I will say he totally surprised me with a gift.  (I thought we were only doing cards).  The diamond out of my second wedding ring (a story for another day lol) fell out about 2 years ago.  Jimmy surprised me by having it replaced.  I was totally shocked and I love it.  After all this time he can still surprise me. I had our wedding video converted from VHS to DVD this week so we could watch it today.  It was not a porfessional video just one my aunt took for me.  We watched it and it was so much fun!  

The first thing Jimmy and I thought was we had no business getting married!  Lol.  During the ceromony Darren kept mentioning the fact that the wedding was a surprise.  It did catch a lot of people off gaurd.  We were young, dumb, and broke!  I kept thinking look how far God has brought us.  I am blessed to call him my husband.  I thought it would be fun to post 10 little known facts about our wedding.  Here they are!
1.  I planned our wedding in 2 weeks.
2.  We were married on a Thursday night because the church was already booked for the weekend.
3.  My parents bought my original wedding ring. (This always bothered Jimmy so he eventually got me another one)
4.  Jimmy really wanted K-C and JoJo's All My Life to be our wedding song but I made him pick another one.  Lol
5.  I worked half a day the day of our wedding because we needed the money and I wanted to take off the Friday after the wedding. 
6.  Even though it is considered bad luck I went to see Jimmy after I got off work before I went to get ready for the wedding.  
7.  My wedding photographer was a crime scene photagrapher and photographed our wedding as a favor for my cousin.  
8.  Someone hit Jimmy in the eye with birdseed when we were leaving the church and he was furious!  Lol
9.  Tami and Randy paid for us to stay in a nice hotel for our wedding night as a wedding present.  (Can you say broke?!)
10.  Jimmy was home for 2 weeks on leave and l did not see him again for 8 months!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Fall has arrived!

We are halfway thru October and fall is finally here.  It is hard to tell by the weather, but our calendar lets us know it is time.  We have been keeping busy with baseball and dance.  Paige's birthday is right around the corner along with Halloween, our anniversay and my birthday.  We have lots of exciting things coming up.  Here are a few pictures from the last couple of weeks just for good measure.  I am looking forward to what fall has in store for us.

Monday, October 7, 2013

First science project

Starting in 2nd grade you can earn the science award if you complete 4 science projects thru out the year.  Today we did Caden first project.  A patch of hypothesis was the title.  He got to choose from several pumpkin hypotheses to prove or disprove.  Caden was very excited to go pick out his pumpkins and get to work.  They were fairly easy things to try.  He chose to see if small pumpkins would float and big pumpkins would sink.  After he was done he had to right down what he discovered and how he did it.  Everyone got involved and it was great fun.  We are already looking forward to the next one!