Friday, August 30, 2013

I'm a survivor!

I was singing this song in my head today.  We survived the first week of school.  And with flying colors I think.  Everyone got good notes in their folders and routine is back in full swing! Monday is Labor Day which means a long weekend!  We definitely need it.  We are looking forward to birthday parties and relaxation this weekend.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

8 is great!

That was the theme of today.  Eight is great!  Caden was so excited he woke up at 4:30 this morning to tell me it was his birthday.  Lol. Jimmy worked nights so he surprised Caden with donuts for breakfast and we let him open his gifts.  He has been talking about the giant pixie stick his teacher would give him since meet the teacher.  He was proudly waving it around when I picked him up.  

We had family over for pizza and cake.  Cici's was Caden's choice.  BBQ pizza and Mac-n-cheese was his pick.  (Yuck). We all had a great time.  Apparently I had a really good time, because I forgot to take one single picture.  Even though I hate it when that happens it just means I was really living in the moment.  Sometimes I get so worried I might miss getting a photo of a memory I miss being an actual part of the memory.  

Caden said he had a wonderful day.  How could turning 8 not be great?  I am beyond blessed to be this little boys mom.  Happy birthday Caden!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

First day of school

Yesterday Caden and Paige had their first day of school.  I can't believe they are in kindergarten and 2nd grade.  They have both been excited for school to start and after weeks of build up I was glad it finally did too.

Caden walked right in like he owned the place.  Lol. He already told me the first week of school is super easy.  He was excited to see his friends and get started.  I had to basically tackle him to get a kiss goodbye.  This year I did not even go in the classroom, just said my goodbyes at the door.  I have a feeling next year I won't even get that.  It is bittersweet, but it is good to see him start to gain some independence and it just reassures me how much he likes it there.  

Paige has been waiting to be at school with her big brother.  She is extremely shy and I was very worried about how she would do.  You could tell she was scared, but she walked right in, said hello to her teacher and started working on the paper on her desk.  I though she might cry for a second, but there were no tears.  Whew!  We said a quick goodbye and I can't lie I am the one that cried after we left.  Jimmy acts tough, but even he went back and peeked in on her to make sure she was ok.  

They both came home happy and Paige said she loves kindergarten!  I am looking forward to a great year!  

What could too off an emotional week?  Tomorrow Caden turns 8!  I am sure I will be crying again.  Love my babies!

Caden's lip is so much better.  You can't even notice it in the pictures.  He will have a small scar, but the stitches have already dissolved and now he is his old self again.  Praise Jesus!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Moving on up

Today Paige promoted out of the beginner department into the elementary department at church.  I was very sad to see her go.  She on the other hand was excited.  I think it helped that Caden would be in there with her.  

It did work out that I was working in children's church today.  I got to see her in action and she really did enjoy herself.  It made me feel much better.  

Right now the house is quiet and the kids are in bed.  Tomorrow is the first day of school!  Both kids are excited.  I will try to keep it together since my last baby is starting kindergarten.  I hope I can!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Not the day I had planned

It is funny how things can change in a second.  I thought today would be just a normal Sunday.  It started out that way.  We had a party for our five year olds that will be promoting to kindergarten.  I was a little emotional thinking that Paige will no longer be with me in the beginner department.  I will miss all of our big kids!
After church it was lunch with the family as usual and then Brayden asked if Caden could come over and play.  While he was at Tami's house Paige and I went grocery shopping at Wal-mart.   That is when Tami called me and said Dallas had nipped Caden on the lip.  Dallas is Danielle and Zack's Great Dane.  He is 7 months old and over 100lbs.  A sweet, but big dog.

At first I did not think anything of it.  Tami said Caden had a paper towel on it and she would get a better look at it and then call me back.  She did and this time I could hear the concern in her voice.  She said she was pretty sure his tooth went all the way thru Caden's lip.  She was on her way to our house.  Of course I was not there but luckily Jimmy was.  He took one look and knew Caden would need stitches.  

Caden was not upset when I got to the hospital.  He was more worried that he would not be able to go back to Brayden's house and finish playing.  The doctor said he would need 3 or 4 stitches.  Yikes!  They gave him some medicine to make him loopy and boy did it.  He was crazy!  Laughing and talking out of his head.  He was happy until it came time to get the stitches.  He did not want to be held down.  Of course we had to make sure he was still and he was so loopy that we had no choice.  Lets just say it was not fun.  Poor guy.  He was so out of it, I am not even sure he realized he was getting stitches.  He just kept yelling for us to let him go.  Thankfully the doctor was quick and then we were just left with the after math of the drugs!  Lol. The ride home was interesting.  Lots of singing and crazy talk.  At one point he heard me on the phone and said, "I got stitches?!"  We are finally home after several hours.  Poor Danielle and Zack feel terrible.  Tami feels bad too.  But, the dog was not being aggressive he was just playing and he is just big!  I am thankful that it was not worse and I am praying the scar won't be too bad.  So much for the perfect first day of school photo.  You just never know how fast your plans can be changed!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Zoo day

Today we braved the hot sun and made a trip to the zoo.  We invited Sam to go with us.  It was very HOT!  Even with the heat we had a fantastic time.  

I think the highlight of the day was feeding the giraffes.  Even though it was $5 for 3 pieces of lettuce!  Seriously!  Luckily I had 3 kiddos with me so it worked out.  The experience was quick but it was neat to be so close to such beautiful creatures.  There was even a baby one that was adorable.

The heat finally got to us and we left earlier then I had planned but not before we had tons of fun!  Summer is coming to a close.  Hopefully we can squeeze just a little more summer fun before it does.