Thursday, October 29, 2015

Tennis time

Fall ball was a bust last season so we opted out this time.  That meant we were looking for something new for Caden to try.  We were leaning towards basket ball but when he got a flyer for tennis at school he said he wanted to try it.  His first practice was today and he really liked it.  It is a little hard for him to get out of "baseball" mode but I think once he gets used to not swinging the racket like it is a bat he will do pretty good.  Lol. He was really focused.  I think it helped that a little girl he has known since preschool was there.  Now he has someone to impress.  Lol. That is her in the pink shorts.  
Overall he said he liked it and all the running is good exercise so I am happy. 

Fun Run!

Today the kids participated in a fun run at school.  It was put on to raise money for a new track at the school.  They have been getting sponsors the last week to raise the money.  Each sponsor donated per lap and the goal was for the kids to run 30-35 laps.  It was such a fun day.  They really pumped the kids up with music and cheers and they were all so cute.  I was really impressed with all the kids.  It was pretty hot today but they all pushed themselves.  Both Caden and Paige were able to run more than the 35 laps.  I think they will both sleep well tonight! 

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

8 is Great!

Monday my baby girl turned 8!  Where has the time gone?  Thanks to Facebook I got to see some old birthday pictures of my little girl.  She is becoming such a little lady, but I still see my baby when I look at her.  I had to share a side by side of her from when she was four.  So sweet!
This year she wanted skates for her birthday.  Caden bought some with his birthday money and since then my house has become an indoor skating rink.  One of them always had them on.  Now they both do!  Lol. She also requested a skating party that she will be having in a couple of  weeks.  My mom got her a pooping baby doll that she has had her eye on for awhile now.  It was a big hit.  Caden bought her a gift also.  I love that he wanted to buy her something just from him and he knew exactly what to get her.  A chocolate pin.  Basically you make chocolate candies.  It will take some practice but she did pretty good for her first try.  
She is still always by my side and still has her blankie at night.  Lol. I am in no hurry for her to grow up.  She is a special little girl for sure.  Happy 8th birthday Paige!  We love you!

Monday, October 26, 2015

What a week

I never  thought I would be happy for a Monday but after last week I was ready.  I use my blog kind of like a baby book so I won't go into what went on this past week.  I just want to focus on the good and even in the darkest times life still goes on.  Especially with kids.  Funny how no matter how we try to protect them and not let them know we are upset they can always sense it.  I found a quickly scribbled note from Caden one morning.  I gave him the biggest hug when he got home and told him how much I need that.  
Jimmy and I celebrated 17 years this week.  I think sometimes life reminds you to stop and really look at your marriage.  In the midst of the chaos Jimmy reminded me we needed to take time to celebrate even if it was just dinner.  I love this guy so much! 
I am loving being a teacher in kids on a mission.  Recently we have changed things up and we no longer rotate teachers.  The grades are split up and have the same teachers each week.  Becky and I have kindergarten and first grade.  I enjoy teaching the kids about missions.  This week I brought our old globe and we made lanterns.  The kids loved looking up where our missionaries live and were very proud of their paper lanterns. 
We ended the week with some nasty weather but it aloud for the perfect time to carve pumpkins.  Jimmy cut the tops off and the kids did the rest.  They were excited to show me their hard work.  I love Caden's face in this picture.  lol. He is such a ham.  

Sunday, October 18, 2015

First Volleyball tournament

Saturday Paige had her first volleyball tournament.  This is our first experience with volleyball and we had no idea what to expect.  The girls are still little and really if anyone makes it over the net or is able to hit the volleyball back over the net it is a big deal.  Lol. When we first got there it was the girls jobs to referee a game.  They got to keep score and call balls out of bounds.  It helps them to learn the game.  They loved keeping score.  Then it was our turn to play.  We won our first two games and then lost the next two.  Our last game decided if we would make it to the finals.  It was so close but we lost 24 to 25.  Paige wasn't able to make a serve but she was able to bump it back over and get the ball back for us.  Which was very exciting because since only a few girls can make it over the net there is not much "action" on the court.  Lol. I am not sure if she will stick with volleyball but I really think it is helping her.  It was so fun to watch her be on a team.  The girls were so cute giving each other high fives after a play and she was thrilled when she made her good bump.  I am looking forward to her next tournament already! 

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Dewberry Farm

Today we ventured out to Dewberry Farm.  We have been there before but it has been a couple of years.  It has definately grown since then.  The weather was beautiful and we had a blast.  Poor D.J. was sick and couldn't make it.  Caden hasn't been feeling well either but he rallied enough to make it.  We got lost in the corn maze, ziplined, rode pedal cars and all kinds of things.  I have to say I think flower picking ended up being one of the favorites today.  They were beautiful.  What a fun day!