Friday, June 19, 2015

Last day of school 2015

I officially have a 2nd grader and a 4th grader!  Ahh!  The last day of school is always a blast.  Caden woke up and the first thing he said was, "party time!"  Lol. At school you can just feel all the excitement in the air.  I could definitely see a difference this year in Caden's party.  It was less about the goodies and treats and more about hanging and saying goodbye to friends.  I always go to the party but I am beginning to wonder why.  Ha!  They were running around exchanging signature books and socializing.  I could tell Caden had a fun group this year. 
Paige's teacher has some personal struggles this year with a sick child but she still managed to make it a great year for the kids.  Paige really loves her.  It is only a few weeks into summer and she already misses school.  
Of course I have to post the first and last day of school picture.  Not as much change this year as last year.  They are definitely looking older though!  

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

School awards 2015

Today was awards day at school.  Both Caden and Paige have worked so hard this year.  Paige got the Good Citizenship award, Acedemic Excellence, and the Reading award.  She loved first grade and she told me she is already excited for 2nd grade next year.  It was just icing on the cake that her best friend was in her class.  They had so much fun together!
Caden got the Good Citizenship award, Acedemic Excellence, and a gold medal for excelling in both the reading and math portions of the STARR test.  We were not really sure what to expect since it was his first year taking the STARR but he did great!  We are so proud of them both!

It's Almost over!

We are wrapping up another school year.  That means awards and end of the year fun for the kids.  Friday I attended Sam's Pre-k graduation.  He seems to love school and I can't believe he will be in kindergarten next year.  Caden and Paige are excited that he will be at their school next year.  He did so good during his performance.  He put on a show for all of us and I loved it!  We are so proud of you Sammy!
The weather has been horrible the past couple of weeks.  Both the kids were nervous that all the rain might cancel their water days on Monday.  But the sun finally came out and they were able to continue with the fun they had planned.  1st grade has water day at school with slip and slides and water slides.  They had a picnic outside and Paige said she had a blast.  Caden has been waiting for his trip to the wave pool since school started.  It is a big deal with the kids since you have to be in third grade to be able to go.  Caden said it was the best day of his life!  Lol!  I mean, a bus ride, concessions, swimming all day and no school work?  How could it not be?  I love how excited and happy he is about these things.  I think he also loved the feeling of being a big kid.  He was excited to bring me back his change and let me know exactly how much money he spent.  It was a great day for both of them.