Friday, June 29, 2012

Black listed?

Well, it is official. We own the worst dog ever! Lol. I was trying to make him an appointment to get groomed at Petsmart today. At first the girl told me they had several appointments available today or tomorrow. Great! Then I gave her my dogs name. She asked me to hold a moment. When she came back on the line she told me she was so sorry but they could not see Squeaky on the weekends. She would be happy to make him an appointment on a less busy day like Monday.

I am not surprised. He does not bite, but he gets so worked up while he is there he barks and yelps the entire time! One time I went to pick him up and I could hear him....outside the store. Lol. You know it is bad when you get black listed!

I can tell you if he were not so good with the kids he would be out of here! Sometimes he is cute so I posted a few pictures of him to remind myself I do like him a little. Ha!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Bucket list update and other stuff

Well, the kids finished their first week of camp. They both ended up liking it and it gave me some much needed time to devote to work. They will both go again next week. Next year I think I need space out the weeks a little. Just to break up the summer some.

We have been able to check off a few of our summer bucket list items. Today we saw Brave with Amy, Sam, and Nonnie. I think it was a little scary for Sam but the kids and I loved it. I did not expect the story line to be so good. It's focus was the relationship between a mother and daughter. I even got a little teary eyed.

We were able to check that off along with a couple of our personal goals. Fr our lists. Unfortunately, Paige getting out of pullups at night has not been one of them. I am pretty much at a loss at this point on what else to try. And poor girl she is so frustrated too.

On a happy note Caden has begun to ask a lot of questions about getting saved. He is very close!!!!!! Can't wait to see what the rest of our summer holds.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Mr. Casanova

This week Caden started Camp Crabgrass thru the city. He has been very excited about going but his first day did not go so well. He did not know anyone there and said he had a horrible time. After some prayer Monday night we decided Tuesday was a new day and new experiences were good for us. So Tuesday he went no problem. And what a turn around. He said he had a great day. I was so glad.

Later that evening we were talking about why it was a better day then Monday. To my surprise Caden told me he thought he was in love with one of his counselors. What?!? Oh yes mom he said. She is so nice and so pretty and had a flower in her hair. Seriously?!? I am trying not to crack up at this point. When I asked him her name he said he did not know. He said he was too nervous to talk to her. I think his exact words were, you know mom, relationship stuff. Where is he getting this from? Lol

I think I have a ladies man on my hands. He got two love letters at school this year from different girls and a few times told me that someone wanted to be his girlfriend, but he told them he was not old enough. Good boy! But I guess maybe he just likes older women.

I found the pictures of the love letters I took. This will be a great memory one day! Like father like son I guess!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Stingrays and garage sales

We had a busy weekend. I had the day off work Friday so we decided to go to Kemah. We also had swimming lessons, Jimmy had to work that night and I had to take tons of stuff to a friends house for a garage sale the next day. I am not sure what we were thinking trying to fit all that in other then the fact that it had been awhile since we did something as a family.

Kemah was a blast. The kids loved feeding the stingrays and the splash pad. We did ride a few rides, but I think next time we will save the money and skip that part.

Saturday we had a garage sale at my friends house. It was so much work and it ended up pouring down rain. However, we did still manage to sell a lot of stuff. All of our kids had so much fun playing together and it was a good chance for all of us to catch up. Overall it was a very exhausting but great weekend.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

I think I can

I can't believe I am about to write this. I signed up to do a half marathon. I HATE running. What was I thinking? A long time friend uses the same trainer as I do and she asked me to do it with her. Our trainer even said he would help me prepare for it. And it is for a good cause so I thought why not. It is not until February and I am already regretting my decision. The picture below sums up how I really feel about running and I guess my only way out now is if the Rapture happens before then. Lol. Honestly, I decided to blog about it so it would be out there and I could not back out. Guess I better get new running shoes!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Happy Birthday Jimmy

Today was Jimmy's birthday. He had to work today so the kids decided he needed a party. I had some leftover balloons and streamers so we decorated the kitchen table. Caden blew up the balloons and Paige put streamers on the table. I bet she spent an hour carefully tapping them to the front of the table. It was very sweet. We made him a pineapple upside down cake and Paige found some pink candles. Lol. It was not much, but the kids were so proud and I could tell he really liked it. He is a great Dad and husband and we wanted to show him how much we all love him.

Happy Birthday Jimmy!

Friday, June 8, 2012

My two little fishes

Well, I think we can mark #1 off our summer bucket list. Caden and Paige completed swimming lessons this week. We took swimming lessons last summer thru the city and although they had fun they really did not learn much. I kept hearing about swimming lessons from Coach Walker, so I signed them up. They did not disappoint. By day 2 both Caden and Paige were pretty much swimming on their own. Caden loved every minute of it. Paige needed a little more pushing, but she ended up doing great. By the end of the week she was moved up with the older kids in the deep end. I was very proud of both of them. They liked it so much I signed them up for a second week.


This week was VBS. I team taught the 2 and 3 year olds. Every year I sign up to teach and every year I think what have I done? It is an exhausting week with loud music and lots of screaming kids. But then I see all the kids having so much fun and it is all worth it.

Both Caden and Paige had a great time. It was battle of the sexes at our house. The penny parade pitted brother against sister. Lol. It was Caden's first year to be with the "big" kids. He had a blast! Paige loved her class too. Just today she was singing one of the songs from the CD we used in class.

As an added bonus I got to teach Sam this year. We had a few younger ones move up from the nursery and he was one of them. He gave his Aunt Heather a run for my money but I think he had a good time. I can't wait for him to be in Sunday school full time. Overall it was a great week!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

It has begun

Well, it is here. Summer. I have been nervous about the kids being out of school. I was not sure how I would fit in work and all our summer activities. It could all change tomorrow but so far so good. I have been waking up really early and getting most of my work done before the kids are awake. It has helped a lot. We started the summer off with a bang with VBS and swimming lessons but I will post about that later.

I knew I had to get a little organized and "plan" part of our summer. So I looked at several blogs and put together a chart for each kid. On it I put their chores of course. I have done a chore packet before and loved it but I wanted to change it up a little since they are older now. We also added a summer bucket list. These are some fun goals we decided on together. Learning to swim was #1 on both their lists. And then lastly we added some personal goals. These are things we are working on to improve ourselves. They include things like Paige getting out of pullups at night. I took these pictures a few days ago and we have since added to both lists. I am working on planning something special if we achieve our goals at the end of the summer.

So far it is working great. I even made my own "personal goals" list which includes things like doing a complete load of laundry everyday. Lol. I can't expect my kids to do something I would not right?

Anyways, when we are not working on our bucket lists and goals we are eating Shipleys donuts and just hanging out.

Only a week in, but so far it is a great summer!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Just A Quick Post

What a week! Swimming lessons, VBS, summer reading, bucket lists, and more. I hope to have a post about them all by this weekend. But I had to post tonight about my sweet boy. He has loved VBS this week. I can see him maturing before my eyes. I have been busy this week with the little ones, but he made a special request of his mamma today. He asked me if I could please be his partner for one of the songs we do. Lean on me. So, during the second assembly I took my place on the boys side to see if he remembered. Sure enough he came thru the door and the first thing he asked me was if he missed it. He just gave me a big hug when I said no. I would be lying if I said I did not want to cry during the song. I know it won't be long until he will be too "cool" to sing with his mommy. So I soaked it all in tonight.

I think that might just be my new favorite song.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Hand Sanitizer Anyone?

We had a pretty lazy day on Memorial Day. Erin and Amy had us over for lunch and the kids got to play on Sam's new swing set. After lunch it was getting really hot and we decided we wanted a treat. We were both bumming it and who wants to put on makeup on your day off? So we decided to go to Dairy Queen to get the kids icecream because it is never busy and the odds of us seeing someone we knew were low.

We pull up and there was only one car there. We thought Jackpot! That was until we went inside and I quickly remembered why I don't take the kids there. The ball pit! Before we could even say anything the kids dived in. All we could do was say a little prayer. Lol. I shutter when I think about all the germs they were swimming in. Needless to say all the kids got a bath as soon as we got home. I guess only time will tell if they caught anything. Today Paige asked me if we could go back to that ice cream place. She said it was so much fun! They did all have a blast. But I not sure if we will ever go back! Lol.

We did snap one picture. You can only see part of Paige and Caden's feet because they were burying themselves on the balls. And look how happy Sam is. So gross!