Thursday, May 31, 2012

Last day of school!

Well, it is official. Caden is no longer a kindergartner. Today was his end of year party. There were lots of treats and he got to say goodbye to all his friends. His teacher loved the cup we gave her. I thought it was so cute I got myself one too. Of course mine did not have the Starbucks gift card inside it.
Paige even had a friend their. One of the boys in Caden's class has a younger brother and he is her friend at the gym. They play together well and were both excited to see each other.

I posted photos of both the kids from the first day of school and then today. I think Paige changed the most and you can really tell Caden had gotten a nice haircut before school started. Lol

I guess now I can really say it is officially summer!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Kindergarten Graduation

Today was Caden's kindergarten graduation. I am not even sure what to write about. It is crazy to me that he will be going to first grade next year. I remember how I felt his first day of school. I felt the same way today. How did we get here? I once heard when it comes to being a mom the days are long but the years are short. Man, I kept hearing that in my head today.

The graduation went by fast. The kids sang a song and then their names were called. I was so proud of my little man when he walked across the stage! We are ending the year on a great note. I remember at the meeting they had with the parents at the beginning of the year thinking to myself they were nuts at this school. You mean to tell me they will be reading, writing and doing simple math in kindergarten? When I went it was half a day and we learned our colors and ABC's. Lol. But now he is reading above a level 14 and writing stories and doing math! Way to go Caden!

There was a little humor during the graduation. I had the perfect view of the stage in my seat. That was until the lady two rows in front of us kept letting her little girl stand up. Can you say rude!?! Anyways it was almost Caden's turn and I was about to reach thru the rows and ask her to get her daughter to sit down. But I could not get her attention. About that time the girl turned around. I waved my hand at her. She looked at me and I mouthed sit down. She just looked at me so in my firmest "face" I pointed my finger at her and told her to sit down. And she did! I could tell it made her mad because she kept turning around giving me the evil eye. I just knew she was going to tell her mommy. But I did not care. She was not about to cause me to miss my baby walking across the stage! Hahaha!

It was a great day and thanks to Aunt Amy I got some pictures!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

She did it!

Well, first let me say I was a bad mom and did not get one single picture of Paige at her pre-k graduation. I guess I was just caught up in watching her and I just never took any. Boo! It was a great night though. She sang like a champ. I am really beginning to think my shy little girl likes performing. She would not show me ahead of time the songs they were doing and seemed nervous before hand, but once she got on stage she did great. But true to form as soon as it was over she sat on my lap and buried her head. She needed a moment to herself I guess. After a few minutes she was fine and we had cookies and punch with all her friends. It made me feel at ease seeing her interact so well with her friends. I never want her shyness to keep her from life. I can't believe how big she is getting. I held it together at the show but shed a few tears at home thinking about my baby girl growing up. Next week is Caden's kindergarten graduation. I will be sure to take pictures!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Field Day!

Wednesday was Paige's field day at her school. I was not sure how she would do. She is so shy and I just knew the crowd would get to her. But she really surprised me. Not only did she do well she actually seemed to enjoy herself. I could not have been happier! Way to go Paige!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

It is officially summer!

At our house we know summer is here when we break out the water slide. Today was the first Saturday we have had nothing to do in a long time. Jimmy was working days today, but I felt brave and decided to try and lug our water slide out by myself. It was not easy, but not as hard as I thought it would be.

Amy brought the boys over and the kids had a ball. It always seems like if we plan something everything falls apart. Today was last minute and thrown together, but it was just what we needed. After a full morning of playing we had lunch and watermelon and just hung out. I am hoping for many more days like this once school is out!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Where does the time go?

Seems like I just posted about Easter yesterday. We have been busy, busy, busy. Birthday parties, tball, work, and getting ready for the end of the school year. I am actually posting this while the kids are in the bathtub. We have had examiners at the main office for 2 weeks now so most of my time has been spent working. Boo! I am not sure when things will slow down. Summer time is supposed to be relaxing right? I always panic when the school year ends. I will spend the next few weeks getting prepared to having the kids home a lot. While I love having them home it is not good for work. Hopefully I will have a real post soon. Here are some random pictures just for good measure.