Monday, December 30, 2013

Merry Christmas

I am a little late with this post, but I could not end the year without posting something about Christmas.  Paige and I had so much fun making all kinds of Christmas goodies and she even helped me cook some of what I brought to Christmas Eve dinner.  Not that all our roles are totally traditional in our house but I had to laugh watching daddy and Caden play Legos while we "slaved" away in the kitchen.  Honestly I am not sure who had more fun.  Lol. I love having my little helper beside me and I loved seeing Caden and Jimmy have some "guy" time.

This year it was Amy's turn to host Christmas Eve dinner.  We had a blast!  Tami had a new game set up for us to play and it was so much fun.  She wrapped money in a shoe box and then covered it in packing tape.  We took turns rolling dice and when you rolled a 6 you tried to open it until the next person rolled a 6 and then it was their turn to try. Sounds pretty simple until you add the fact that you had to wear socks on your hands while you were trying to get the tape off.  I can't tell you how hard we all laughed.  It got very competitive, but Jimmy was the winner.  He was super nice and split the money up and gave some to all the kids. 

We ate dinner, sang carols and enjoyed each other's company.  The kids even heard Santa outside Amy's window!  Their faces were priceless.  Paige got scared he was going to miss our house since we were not there and soon after everyone headed home.  

Christmas morning we went to my parent and my dad made his annual Christmas omelets.  They were yummy!  We opened presents and spent the day in our pajamas.  This year Jimmy and I got the kids a trampoline.  We still have presents sitting in their boxes because all they have done since Christmas is jump on it. I would say it was money well spent.

We always have so much fun spending time with family during Christmas and most importantly celebrating our Savior's birth!  Happy birthday Jesus!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Cookies for Santa

Tonight we made cookies for Santa.  Amy, Sam, Tami and Brayden joined us.  It is always a good time when we get together.  The kids made a mess, ate too much candy and had a blast playing together.  Tami, Amy and I got to chat and enjoy watching our kids hang out the way we did when we were young.  I just love Christmas with the family!

School parties

Friday was Caden and Paige's school Christmas parties.  Jimmy and I were both able to attend and we took turns in both the kids classrooms.  I always love going to parties and watching the kids have fun and interact with their friends.  They came home with adorable ornaments and so many goodies!  It was a great way to start out their Christmas break.  

Polar express day

Last Wednesday was Polar Express day at school.  This is always a favorite of the kids because they get to wear their P.J.s to school.  I just had to snap a few pictures before school.  These two are just getting too big for their britches!  

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Christmas happenings

We are right in the middle of all our Christmas activities right now.  Parties, performances, and family are keeping us busy.  This past weekend Jimmy's mom and grandma we able to spend the weekend with us and we exchanged gifts with them.  They were also able to attend church with us and watch the kids perform in the church Christmas program.  I was so proud of Caden and Paige up there singing to The Lord.  They both did a great job and they really enjoyed it.  
One of the gifts Paige got was a Fun Loom.  It says it is for 8yrs and up, but she really got the hang of it and has been making bracelets ever since.  No joke I think she has made 20 of them since Saturday.  Lol.  She wore about 5 of them to school today and came home with requests from her friends and she is hard at work making them now.  
Yesterday was also my dad's birthday and we celebrated it a little early Sunday at my house.  I made fried backstrap, mashed potatoes, and homemade gravy.  Can you say yum?!  It is not something we have often, but I like to make something he likes and this is it!  We had cake and sang.  He really is a great dad and pawpaw.  We had a great time celebrating with him.
Monday night Paige had Christmas night at dance.  Nothing really fancy, they can wear Christmas attire and the parents get to go into class and watch them perform.  She is still loving dance and I really enjoy watching her blossom in class.  
I know this post is very random and long, but at least now I am caught up!  Onto the next Christmas activity!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Sam's Frosty Follies

Tonight we were able to attend Sam's Frosty Follies performance at his pre-k.  It seems like only yesterday we were going to watch my kids show and it was so surreal watching Sam up there.  Time flies!  All their performances were adorable, but of course Sam's was the best.  His class sang and danced to Santa Claus is coming to town.  He did awsome!  He was so cute singing and doing his little moves.  I know mom and dad were very proud.  I was too!  
The school sales raffle tickets to try and win baskets and to my surprise I won!  My kids were beyond excited.  I put our tickets in to try and win the Hello Kitty/Ninja Turtle basket.  I had no idea it would be two baskets.  You would have thought Caden and Paige won the lottery.  You can see just how excited Caden  was in the pictures.  Lol. It was a great night!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

My little bootcamper

Tonight wrapped up week two of the boys bootcamp and it was a tough one.  There were only three boys there tonight and they were all three sweaty and tired.  I kept thinking I needed to be out there with them.  You would think they were dying during the workout and 
then as soon as it is over they are scambling to try and play basketball before we have to leave.  I wish I had an ounce of their energy!  Lol

Monday, December 2, 2013

Giving Thanks

This year we had Thanksgiving lunch at Tami and Randy's house.  We always have way too much food and lots of fun just being together.  After we left there we were able to go to Jimmy's aunt's house and spend some time with his family as well.  The kids love playing with their cousins and it is always nice to be with family.  We ended the day by putting up our Christmas tree.  We have so much to be thankful for.  I love Thanksgiving! 

Thanksgiving break fun

The kids spent the first part of the week with Jimmy's dad and step-mom.  The weather was horrible and they had to spend most of their time inside which was a bummer.  But being spoiled by Nana is always fun and she bought Caden a new book he has been wanting so they had fun just relaxing and hanging out.  Unfortunately Jimmy was not able to take them hunting because of the bad weather.  Caden was not happy, but hopefully they can go again.  

I had grand plans of getting all kinds of stuff done around the house but none of it happened.  Wednesday I had planned on cleaning and decorating but neither happened.  We started to get out my Christmas decorations when Paige found a Christmas ShrinkyDink project I bought last year and we did not do.  We ended up spending the early morning and afternoon coloring, baking, and putting them together.  It took way longer then I thought, but it was fun and I thought it turned out very cute.
At the last minute we decided to drive out to College Station to go to Santa's Wonderland.  We had never been and we heard it was great.  We got our tickets online and drove up there.  When we got there there was no line so we stopped to eat dinner since we were early.  Big mistake!  We should have stayed in line because when went back the line was miles long!  At one point we thought about leaving it was so long, but it was moving and we decided to wait it out.  I am so glad we did.  The lights were wonderful and the kids loved it!  We sang Christmas songs and had a great time looking at everything.  I was very impressed.  I want to plan a trip later and maybe do the hayrides they offer and also go into Santa's village and see what all they have in there.