Wednesday, May 29, 2013

End of baseball season

Tuesday was Caden's closing ceremony for baseball.  This season went by really fast.  We came up short on making it very far in the playoffs but Caden had a great season.  This was his first year in coach pitch.  He really enjoyed it and actually did really well.  Overall he improved a lot this season and we all had a great time watching him play and we were also able to see some of our friends play too.  Congrats Caden on a great baseball season.  Fall ball here we come! 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

I always look forward to getting the kids Mother's Day gifts from school.  This year I was so impressed with what the teachers did.  I know they put a lot of time into them.  I am so thankful for the kids teachers this year.  They really love them and so do I!

Paige brought home an adorable calendar.  Her picture was on the front and then for each month they did something different with her feet or handprints.  It is really cute and something I can enjoy for an entire year!  She also told me she was going to clean her room as a gift.  Lol. We shall see, it has not happened yet.

Caden's gift really brought me to tears.  The picture his teacher took of him was just precious.  They also filled out questions about their moms.  The one that got to me was the one that asked how do you know your mom is proud of you.  He answered when I do my best.  Most days you feel like nothing is getting through to them, but there is was.  He is listening!  Lol.  They also wrote a letter to us and his was very sweet.  He said he wanted to live with me forever and when he was rich he would buy me a diamond and a mansion.  I just love this little guy.  

We did not do anything big for Mother's Day.  Just spending time with my two sweeties was just what I needed to make my day special.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Freezing in May

Last night Caden had a late baseball game that started at 7:30. Unfortunately for us the weather decided to go crazy. We had a cold front come in and it was so cold. The wind was blowing like crazy. We were all freezing. Thankfully Amy saved the day by bringing us some blankets. We all huddled together and tried to stay warm. Caden had one of his better games, but we still lost. Boo. I am hoping this weekends games will be sunny and warm.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Disney on Ice

A couple of weekends ago my mom and I took Paige to see Disney on Ice. We went last year too and she loved it. When I asked her if she would like to go again she did not hesitate to say yes. I was very impressed again by the show. Even though they had a couple of the same princesses featured as last year their show was different. We had lots of good girl time with Nonny. Of course Paige was thrilled to get her $12 cotton candy. Yikes! It was a great show and we had a great time.

Not my baby girl anymore

What is happening?! It seems like overnight Paige has grown up. Yesterday she brought me one of Caden's shoes and asked me to show her how to tie it. (All of her shoes are either sandals or Velcro). Only a few tries later and she did it. She has been carrying around Caden's shoe practicing and showing anyone who will watch. She even took it to Casa Ole so she could show Aunt Amy when we met them for lunch. I signed her up for kindergarten on Tuesday. Whaa! I felt like crying and I was just signing her up. I can only imagine what a mess I will be come August. Lol. Not to mention she told me her two bottom teeth are loose. Your kids getting bigger is such a bittersweet thing. I am trying to take in each milestone, but it seems like they are happening faster and faster. I need time to slow down just a little!