Thursday, March 29, 2012

Play Time

Today Paige and I spent some time playing with her dollhouse. I remember picking it out for her. I loved playing dolls when I was little. I spent a lot of time picking the one I thought she would like best. (and by her I really mean me lol).

I loved all the small details this one had. From the bacon and pancakes on the stove to the tiny spoon to feed the babies. I especially loved that the mother and father both had wedding rings on. Unfortunately squeaky chewed one of the moms hands off. I thought Paige would be upset, but she just says she can hold the babies in the other arm.

We spend a lot of time playing house. It was worth every penny!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Baby Squirrel

We had a little excitement this afternoon in our back yard. We were all outside when a baby squirrel suddenly came up to us. Last weekend our neighbor had some tree work done and two babies ended up on our front porch when their nest was disturbed. Their mother soon came to get them.

This little guy was much younger then the other two. He really liked Caden and kept following him around. He was very cute. But we knew his mommy would be looking for him so Jimmy picked him up and took him to our front yard where he said he saw his mommy looking and calling for him.

He was so tiny and sweet I am glad he is back where he belongs!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Opening Day

Today was opening day of t-ball season. The day started with a parade of all the players. Jimmy's dad and Vicki came down and let us borrow their trailer for the boys to ride in. I must say I have been to a lot of parades but this one by far had the best candy. Lol. It is near Easter time so we even got chocolate! Paige and Sam walked away with more candy then they could carry.

We ended up losing our game by one point in the last inning. It was a close game and the boys played well. After some jumping time in the bouncers and a hot day in the sun the kids are tired. We got to see a lot of our friends play and of course we cheered on Brayden in the parade. Overall it was a great start to what will hopefully be a fun season!

Friday, March 23, 2012

They keep you on your toes

Caden has been home sick with me the last few days. I kept him home one more day just to make sure. While I am on my computer he has been playing games on our home computer. Yesterday I had opened up a browser to go to a work related website. I just had it open while I did a few things when I hear Caden reading over my shoulder. What men want in a woman was the title of the article that was on the yahoo home page. Then he asked me what that meant. Yikes! I forget sometimes he can read pretty much anything now.

We monitor what they listen to and watch. Now I have to add what they can read to the list too! I am going right now to throw away all my old cosmopolitan magazines!

Man, they keep you on your toes!

Thursday, March 22, 2012


I picked Caden up from school Tuesday and the first thing he told me is that he was on blue. Boo. His teacher asked me if we had been busy because he was tired that day. Hmm. When we got home and I asked Caden why he was on blue he said it was because he kept putting his head down on his desk and trying to sleep. What?! You should not be that tired. Sure enough when I felt his head he was warm. I got lucky and was able to get him seen by the doctor that afternoon. He had already been on antibiotic for an ear infection. His left tube was coming out and his ear got clogged with earwax and caused an infection. Yuck. I thought our days of ear infections were over. Now we have to try and get the earwax out. Fun stuff. Anyways I thought it was odd he would run a fever when he was already on medicine. But sure enough he tested positive for strep. She said the same thing that he probably should not have it already being on antibiotic. But the test does not lie so we got a stronger antibiotic.

So today is day 2 of no school. Not that Caden is complaining. Lol. Hopefully he will be better before opening day Saturday for t-ball. I have not been a very good mom the past two days. The only downside to working from home is I don't really get sick days. So I have let the kids pretty much do what they want while I work. Which for Caden means computer time. He loves games and I have to monitor his time closely. He played so much yesterday I think his eyes were crossing. Oh well, I guess I won't get mom of the year. Lol

On another funny note we went to my mom and dad's the other night. I was playing around and showing Paige my wedding dress. I even tried it on. Did it fit? No way! Lol. I have a new goal now. I want to zip that sucker up by the end of summer. Paige said I looked like a ghost. What? Not a princess, but a ghost. Oh well, I still love my wedding dress. Already very outdated but it was perfect for me.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Back to Reality

Well yesterday spring break was officially over. The kids went back to school and the old routine started back up again. We did not do much over spring break. It was very nice. Of course I had to work but the kids were able to just relax. I took the week off from the gym so we really had no where to go. Which was just fine with us. I thought the kids would be bored but I think we all needed a break. There was lots of just laying around and hanging out at our house.

We did celebrate my mom's birthday with dinner at Casa Ole and cookie cake at my house. Casa Ole and cake is our little family tradition for birthdays. It is a must! Caden did get a chance to go fishing with his dad and some friends of ours. It was so nice of them to invite them and they both had a great time. Thanks again Jessica!

Other then that I did lots of cleaning and we had a family work day in the yard. Our flower beds were full of leaves. It took us forever to clean them out, but it looks much better.

Monday was back to school for the kids and back to the gym for me. I am ready to get the rest of my weight off. It was hard going back but I am glad I did. This little break got us pumped for summer. Can't wait!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Pancakes and pajamas

Thursday was pancakes and pajamas at Caden's school. All four of us got to go enjoy some pancakes and then go visit his classroom. While we were eating all the kindergarteners got up and sang a couple of songs. It was a good time. This year was rocky at first but it seems Caden has finally settled in at school. He was excited to see his friends and his teacher and was very proud to show us his school.

He also had a shoe tying party at school. Jimmy and I have been trying to teach him for awhile now with no success. Not sure what they did different but he came home after that day and could do it.

This week is spring break. The kids left last night for Nanna and Pawpaws house. They are staying there until Tuesday. I am ready for a week with no routine. I still have to work, but we will fit in some fun time. Since we were kidless jimmy and I had a date night last night. We went to P F Chang's. It was nice to have some alone time. What a great way to start off the week!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Elephant Shoes

Well, today was a sad day for Mommy. I put a note in Caden's lunch everyday and I always sign it I love you, Mommy. This morning while getting Caden ready for school he asked me if I put the note in his lunch. After telling yes he asked me if I could change it. He did not want me to put I love you on it! I guess when the other kids see it they say, "Caden loves his mommy, Caden loves his mommy!". Is that a bad thing I asked? No, it is just embarrassing. Trying not to get upset I asked him if he wanted me to stop sending notes. He said he liked the notes, but did not want the other kids to see that part. Uh, it was like a knife to the heart. But I stayed strong and we came up with a plan.

We decided to come up with a code word for I love you. That way I could tell him without the other kids knowing. He loved that idea. First thing I thought of was elephant shoes. Remember that? When you say it silently it looks like you are saying I love you. He was excited for that idea so today his note says, elephant shoes, mommy. I guess I should be happy he still wants me to send the notes at all. My little boy is growing up. I won't lie and say it did not make me sad. I guess I would have to face it sooner or later. I was just hoping for later. Lol

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Paige the Cowgirl

Today was western day at school. Yesterday I took Paige to Cavender's to find her an outfit. She was so excited. She already knew what she wanted. Pink boots and a pink cowgirl hat. While we were there we found a cute belt and a shirt with fringe on it. Paige called it her shirt with the hair. Lol. She looked so cute today. I don't know how many times she told me thank you and that she was a real cowgirl now.

Her hair is always a challenge to fix so when she asked for pigtails I knew I had my work cut out for me. For the first time I tried two french braids. They were not perfect but they looked cute and I figured she would have her hat on anyways. She loved them.

She is the cutest cowgirl I have ever seen!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Ups and Downs of Parenting

I remember one time when he was very little I had given Caden a cookie and it made him so happy. My mom was with me and she told me something that has stuck with me ever since. Enjoy this time now when you are in control of their happiness. Man was she ever right. Even though Caden and Paige are still young the outside world is already having an effect on their happiness.

We had a rough day at t-ball practice. I could tell from the very beginning Caden was not himself. Just sitting in the dugout not interacting with the other boys. Then it was his turn to bat. He struck out. I could tell it upset him. Well the next time he was up to bat he got a great hit. He made it to second when the coach waved for him to keep going to third. Well he was tagged out. The waterworks started. Totally not like Caden. I am still not sure what was wrong with him. Maybe he was tired? But as a mom I am still trying to figure it out. Maybe something happened at school, where the other guys not nice to him, is he getting sick?

We went to bed early and he seemed in better spirits this morning. When my kids have a good day I have a good day. When they have a bad day so do I. I already miss the days when a simple cookie could make them so happy. I can't imagine what they have to face in the future. Needless to say I did a lot of praying yesterday.

On another note I am debating on using this nail polish to get Paige to quit sucking her thumb. Can't decide if I should or not. She does not do it all the time. Mostly when she sleeps, but I worried about it messing up her teeth. We will see what happens!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

This and that

My to do list today was a mile long. Lets just say nothing was crossed off the list. I did make it to the gym this morning after taking the kids to get donuts. After the gym I got the kids to help me clean the house some. I know I am a house wife when I get excited and take a picture of my new bag for my cleaning supplies. Lol.

We did have some fun. We went to see The Lorax with Amy and Sam. It was Sam's first time to go to the movies and we were not sure how he would do. But he was so cute and loved all the movie snacks. Tomorrow I will be busy working on my to do list to catch up.

Caden also did a lot of reading today. I was do excited when his teacher sent home a note saying he was doing a great job. One of the pictures is of his latest take home book. If you look closely you can see it says level 11/12. Way to go Caden!