Monday, April 16, 2012

Disney on Ice

My mom and I took Paige on Saturday to Disney on ice. It's theme was dare to dream and it was all about princesses. Paige was super excited. I had never been so I was not sure if she would like it. But we all three loved it! Paige did not take her eyes off the ice the entire time and did not even want to go to the restroom because she was afraid she would miss something. I felt like a big kid too. My favorite was Cinderella, but of course Paige was there to see Rapunzel. Nonnie hooked Paige up with all kinds of goodies. We laughed and just had a great time. Having an older brother I could tell Paige really loved the attention and the "girl" time as she called it. I would definitely go again.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like she had a blast! And also looks like we ended up with some of the same trinkets!! LOL! We haven't seen Tangled, but Ally did think that the horse was funny! Haha!
