Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I am glad I am a girl

This is one of those TMI posts. Lol But I just have to post about this. Yesterday I got a call from the school nurse on my way to pick Caden up from school. He had an accident (#2) in his pants but was refusing to change his clothes. We had a few issues with this at the beginning of the school year. Caden says he does NOT want to poop at school, so he was holding it till he got home. I thought he got over his fear because the accidents had stopped. Looking back I realize he just got better at holding it since he usually goes as soon as he gets home.

Well, I was not very happy with him and he was pretty upset. He said he did not care what anyone said he is not going at school. Later that evening Jimmy was talking to him and giving him some tips like go during class when no one else was in there. I understand not wanting to poop in a public restroom but this was out of hand I thought. Until I heard part of their conversation. I was floored to find out the boys do not have doors on the stalls!!!!! What? I get the whole urinal thing but come on, no doors! No wonder he does not want to go. He said the other boys will peak around and laugh and stare at you. Am I the only one that thinks this is awful?!?

I have been in the girls restroom at his school and they do have doors so I am not understanding why the boys don't. I am not sure what to do now. I am pretty sure I am going to email his teacher. I would probably poop my pants too before I had to go #2 with people watching. Poor guy. Now I feel bad for being so hard on him.

Jimmy said it stinks but they did not have doors either when he was in school. Really? This is a common practice? I just can't believe it. Gross!!!

Strep also struck our house again. Paige woke up with a really high fever and with one look at her throat I knew what it was. We made a trip to the doctor and sure enough I was right. It must be going around. I asked the doctor if she could have caught it from Caden and she said too much time had passed so she must have picked it up elsewhere. Hopefully she will feel better before this weekend. I just love Easter!

1 comment:

  1. Really??? No doors on the stalls?? I would definitely be making a call as well. I'm sure in the past they've had boys playing too much and just decided to take the doors off, but that just seems like a little much in my opinion. And I agree, I would probably be like Caden as well. Poor Paige...I hope she feels better soon!
